The Reflection of Wealth and Poverty into...

Wealth and poverty represent two things that are completely opposite to each other. Wealth is the state that everyone likes and wishes to get. In contrast, poverty is the nightmare everyone rejects. But both of them are commonly seen in every...

Why people are living longer now?

Topic: “In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and detail to develop your essay.” Jeanne Calment of France died at the age of 122 and 164 days, and Shigechigo Lzumi of Japan died at...

Fortune-telling in Cambodia

Fortune telling, a practice of predicting future, has been using through various forms for thousands of years; however, it’s still unclear when it was brought to Cambodia. By reading Cambodian history books or watching movies reflecting society...

Study Tips: 12 Things I Wish My Students Knew

Have you ever felt that some of your classmates are doing better than you? Do they have big brain? Or do they study harder? You may surprise to hear that some of them not having bigger brain nor studying harder than you, but they know how to...

Royal Palace & Riverside views in Phnom...

Below are some photo I shot on the 7th and 8th January, 2011. I was assigned to shot some photos for my photography class and I think I should share some with Student Blog visitors, so let’s see it. Cheers, [slideshow] by: Dara Saoyuth...

10 Famous Films You Didn’t Know Were...

Dear Student Blog visitors! I’ve recently receive an e-mail from one of Student Blog fans, Emma Taylor, informing me of her new post: “10 Famous Films You Didn’t Know Were Allegories”. Since she gave me permission to...

Can Cambodian TV news be trusted?

According to a census taken of Cambodia’s population in 2008, 58.41 percent of households own at least one television set. News programmes are what every station cannot do without. Cambodia’s television stations present a variety of both...

Accessing to Clean and Safe water in Cambodia

[soundcloud url=”; params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100{0a5c1eeb84ccc7c2d601964b33dd4fc73dc6a68f91616e3e53041e90b1033ab3}” height=”81″ ] Accessing to Clean and...

Photo Story: Grapefruit Seller

I’ve spent around 2 hours walking along riverside this morning to take some photos and make it into a photo story for my photojournalism class. I ended up with shooting a “Grapefruit Sellers” after trying many different...