Tag - Business

Cambodia Circles – a new website specially designed for Cambodians


Sample page from cambodiacircles.com

Social networking sites have evolved and gotten recognized by the fact of keeping people from every corner of the world to stay connected; however, Cambodiacircles.com is more than that. The site comes from the word Cambodia + Circles, and according to the dictionary, the word circle means: A group of people sharing an interest, activity, or achievement.

Founded earlier this year by initiative members living in foreign country with the support of Cambodian taskforce in term of content providing, Cambodiacircles.com is struggling to be more than a social networking site for Cambodians by gathering 6 groups of people who share the same interest, activity, or achievement. They are professional group, civil servants, NGOs, Academics, Business Owners, and the rest of us who are still studying or unemployed.

Imagine that you were a student in a particular subject and want to get some advices from experts to solve your academic problems or want to seek for a job, where would you go for it? To deteriorate ever-experienced difficulties in searching for a particular group of people, Cambodiacircles.com provides easy platform for Cambodian to get to know each other and keep up with that relationship by chatting, messaging, documents sharing, etc. All Cambodiacircles.com members have to express their current position or expertise so that it’s easier for its users to look for a particular group of people.

More than that, Cambodiacircles.com provide variety of local news contents concerning with social development, technology, business, education and experience sharing from experts from different fields.

We strongly believe that knowing a lot of information will minimize your risks in making decision on everything.

By: Dara Saoyuth

A day in the life of an intern at FAO-UN

Chhay Chenda

Chhay Chenda / photo provided

Most people enjoy having a stable job, but there are some who continually switch positions in order to gain experience and follow their dreams. With eight different job titles in the past few years, Chhay Chenda definitely belongs in the latter category.

When asked, Chhay Chenda volunteered that she searches for jobs that can improve her personal and professional development. In other words, she looks for employers that help her to help them.

“I think I would choose to work in a place based on the learning opportunities it provides, rather than anything having to do with money or status,” Chhay Chenda said.

At the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Chhay works as a national intern, helping the programme officer to implement a food security project.

The 28-year-old usually begins her working day by checking her e-mail, then adding tasks from her to-do list to her personal calendar.

“Projects cannot start if I forget to put tasks in my to-do list,” remarked Chhay Chenda, adding that, by doing so, she can easily prioritise tasks she has to complete immediately, versus those that can wait until later.

She also emphasised that time management skills “help me remember all of my tasks and prevent me accidentally scheduling two meetings at once”.

And her tasks include more than just sitting around the office, checking e-mail, and writing reports. She has also conducted extensive research, met with key project stakeholders, recruited a national project manager and accompanied a mission from FAO HQ to the potential project implementation areas.

“Ensuring the success of our projects requires us to put in a lot of time and effort, including field work, so we can get a sense of the situation despite not being able to talk with all the people,” said Chhay Chenda, noting further that going to the field also enables her to write reports based on her reflections and analysis.

Since graduating in 2005 with a bachelor degree in business administration, accounting and finance, Chhay Chenda has taken the initiative to improve her accounting experience by travelling to work in Laos, studying for her CAT/ACCA accounting exams and even working as an intern at an accounting firm in New York City.

She was selected as a finalist for the Cartier Women Initiative Award in 2008, for a project titled Your Business Solutions.

She has spent six years working as the finance manager for various business and nonprofits, as well holding positions as the deputy director at Ecole Paul Dubrule School, and office manager at Hagar International.

Chhay Chenda maintains that she tries to avoid demanding things of the world, trying instead to give back by joining social activities and helping to improve other people’s lives.

Because she is passionate about learning in social entrepreneurship and international development, she convinced herself to be part of the UN, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the Red Cross.

Chhay Chenda

Chhay Chenda when going to the field / photo provided

By: Dara Saoyuth
This article was published on LIFT, Issue 75 published on June 14, 2011

Everybody’s Talking about BUSINESS PLAN


Eng KimSan, Associate Dean and Professor for Small and Medium Enterprises and Marketing of Faculty of Business and Economics of Pannasatra University of Cambodia

Eng Kimsan

Eng Kimsan

“Having a plan in hand, as abusinessman, is important because it is aroad map, guiding and directing you whereto go and what to achieve in the business.This plan really can help you achieve yourgoals, fulfilling your dream/vision. It is likethe statement made by Prof Eng Kimsanthat “Vision without action is like a daydream”,but “Action without vision is like anightmare”; therefore, it is necessary for anybusinessman to develop a business planbefore entering a real life business. In thisregard, a business plan can show you theentire layout of the business operation andits core elements, structures and themanagement system and strategies that youhave to undertake to succeed in yourbusiness goals and objectives even short,medium or long term.”


The top three finishers in ANZ’s second annual business plan competition talk about their ideas

Heng Tokyo

Heng Tokyo / by: Koam Tivea

Heng Tokyo, 23

Buz Plan: The CAMMEAT Shop

“My business plan is to open a meat store.Nowadays, people go to the market when they want to buybeef, pork or other meats and mostly they have to wake upearly in the morning; otherwise, sellers will run out and youwill be forced to buy low-quality products.My plan is to open a modern meat store that will beequipped with air conditioners to store meat in idealcondition just like I have studied. We will be open from 6amuntil 9pm. We also have discount or promotions.”

Phlek Mealea

Phlek Mealea / by: Koam Tivea

Phlek Mealea, 23

Buz plan: Twinkle Child Care Center

“The Twinkle Child Care Centre, which cares forchildren from three months to six years old, is my businessplan because I think that when people become busier, theywon’t have time to look after their children. So, if we runthis business, we can reduce a lot of their concerns and wealso can make a lot of profit because currently, there arenot many places that offer these services.”


Ung Keang Cheang, 19

Ung Keangcheang

Ung Keangcheang / by: Koam Tivea

Buz plan: The Student Memory Tour

“I decided to plan the Student Memory Tour as mybusiness because I see improvements in this sector, especiallyamong students. I have also developed a very creative strategythat will allow me to capitalise on the current demand and beatout all of my competitors.I also urge other people to think of an idea of making a businessplan related to energy that we can derive from the sun, the airand wave so that we can get rid of something that can be affectedto the environment.”


by: Dara Saoyuth
This article was published on Lift, Issue 44 published on November 10, 2010

Opening ceremony of a three-day seminar on TVET

I’ve Just returned from joining the opening ceremony of a three-day seminar and exhibition on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Cambodia.

Currently, I have not much to writ because I arrived when the opening ceremony end. Luckily, I met some journalists whose faces are familiar to me because of several meetings earlier. Talking and sharing to each other is what journalist as me like, so at least I got some information about the event.

I decided not to write much until a later post, so now please enjoy some photos including one short video clip of some electronic and technical instruments created by students from different Universities, vocational training centers and organizations. All the instruments, which most of them look strange and awesome to me, are showing for the whole three-day seminar. Enjoy!!!

[slideshow] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k3t8bb-Lt4&hl=en&fs=1]

By: Dara Saoyuth


This is the translation from the post about Seminar on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).


“ លទ្ធភាពទទួលបាន និងភាពពាក់ព័ន្ធ ក្នុងការអប់រំ​​បណ្តុះបណ្តាលបច្ចេកទេស​ និង  វិជ្ជាជីវៈ  នៅកម្ពុជា ”

25-27 តុលា នៅ វិទ្យាស្ថានជាតិ អប់រំ ភ្នំពេញ

(ស្ថិតនៅ ផ្លូវនរោត្តម កែង ផ្លូវសុរាម្រឹត)

មជ្ឈមណ្ឌល​ក្រម​ង៉ុយ ដោយ​មាន​ការ​ឧបត្ថម​ពីអង្គ​ការ UNESCO និង ILO សហការ​ជា​មួយ​ក្រសួង​​ការងារ​​​និង​​បណ្តុះ​​បណ្តាល​វិជ្ជា​ជីវៈ និង ក្រសួង​អប់រំ​ យុវជន​​និង​កីឡា​ នឹង​រៀប​ចំ​សិក្ខា​សាលា​​មួយ​​នៅ​ថ្ងៃ ២៥២៧ តុលា ឆ្នាំ ២០១០ ខាង​មុខ​នេះ នៅ​វិទ្យា​ស្ថាន​ជាតិ​អប់រំ​ភ្នំ​ពេញ ។ ទន្ទឹម​នឹង​សិក្ខា​សាលា​នេះ មាន​តាំង​ពិព័រ​ណ៌បច្ចេក​ទេស​មួយចំនួន​​ធំផង​ដែរ ។​ សិក្ខា​សាលា​នេះ​នឹង​ប្រមូល​ផ្តុំ​អ្នក​​តំណាង​​ជាច្រើន​​ដែល​​មក​​​ពី​​ក្រសួង ស្ថាប័ន​អន្តរ​ជាតិ ស្ថាប័ន​អប់រំប​ណ្តុះប​ណ្តាល អង្គ​ការ​ក្រៅ​រដ្ឋា​ភិបាល សមាគម​និង​​សហគ្រាសឯ​កជន ដើម្បី​នឹង​ចែក​រំលែក​ព័ត៌​មាន​និង​បទ​ពិសោធ​របស់ខ្លួនក្នុង​ទិស​ធ្វើ​ឲ្យ មតិ​មហា​ជន​​ចាប់​​អារម្មណ៍​កាន់តែខ្លាំងឡើង ចំពោះ​ការ​អប់រំ​បណ្តុះ​បណ្តាលបច្ចេកទេសវិជ្ជាជីវៈ ហើយនិងដើម្បីជំរុញ​ឲ្យ​វិស័យ​​នេះ មាន​ប្រជា​ប្រិយ​បណ្តា​យុវ​ជន ទាក់ទាញយុវជនមកចូលរៀន​បច្ចេកទេសកាន់តែច្រើន​ឡើង​ ។​ជារួមមតិទូទៅទទួលស្គាល់ថា ការ​បណ្តុះ​បណ្តាល​អប់រំបច្ចេកទេសវិជ្ជាជីវៈនៅកម្ពុជា មិនទាន់ផ្សារភ្ជាប់ ហើយ​និង​ឆ្លើយ​បាន​ទៅ​តំរូវ​ការនៃទីផ្សារការងារ ដែលនឹងត្រូវរីកជាចាំបាច់ ដើម្បីអភិវវឌ្ឍន៍សេដ្ឋកិច្ច​រឹងមាំ ប្រណាំង​ប្រជែង​គេបាន។

សិក្ខា​សាលានេះ ផ្តោតទៅលើការបង្កើតឲ្យមានវេទិកាមួយសំរាប់ចែករំលែកសមិទ្ធិល្អៗ ព័ត៌មាន​និង​​បទពិសោធផ្សេងៗ ដើម្បីនឹងបង្កើតយន្តកម្មបំផុសអារម្មណ៍យុវជននិងសាធារណជន ទៅ​រក​ការ​​បណ្តុះ​បណ្តាល ។ ជាមួយគ្នានេះ នឹងមានការរៀបចំគ្រឹះបង្ករលក្ខណៈសម្របសម្រួលឲ្យមាន ការ​ចុះ​សំរុងគ្នា​ប្រសើរ​រវាង​អ្នកដែល​ពាក់​ព័ន្ធចូលរួមក្នុងវិស័យនេះ ។

យើង​មានជំនឿថា ការបណ្តុះបណ្តាលបច្ចេកទេសវិជ្ជាជីវៈ​ នឹងអាចបង្ហាញ​កាន់តែ​ច្បាស់​ឡើងនូវ​នាទី​​ដ៏មានតំលៃរបស់ខ្លួនក្នុងការអភិវឌ្ឍន៍កម្ពុជា ​បើសិនណាជាយុវជនយើងកាន់តែច្រើនឡើង ​បាន​ទទួល​នូវការ​បណ្តុះ​បណ្តាល​ល្អប្រស៊ីនឹងប្រភពការងារ ទាំងខាងផ្នែកតំរេះទូទៅ ទាំង​ខាង​ជំនាញ​ណាមួយ រហូត​ដល់អាចទទួល​ការងារមួយបានក្នុងសហគ្រាស ឫ​មាន​លទ្ធភាព​ប្រកប​អាជីវកម្ម​បានដោយខ្លួនឯង ។​​

(*) មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលក្រមង៉ុយ(CKN) ចាប់ដំណើរការរបស់ខ្លួននៅកម្ពុជា ក្នុងឆ្នាំ ១៩៩៨ ។ CKN ជាស្ថាប័ន​បណ្តុះ​បណ្តាល​បច្ចេកទេសនិងវិជ្ជាជីវៈកំរិតមធ្យមបច្ចេកទេស ផ្នែក អគ្គិសនី អេឡិចត្រនិច អូតូម៉ាទិច ម៉ាស៊ីនត្រជាក់ ថែទាំ​សហ​គ្រាស អគ្គិសនីជនបទ ថាមពលកកើតឡើងវិញ ។ល។

ជាទស្សនៈ មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលក្រមង៉ុយផ្តោតខ្លាំងទៅលើការអភិវ្ឍន៍ចរិតមនុស្សនិងស្មារតី ។ យើងខំ​បណ្តុះ​បណ្តាល​គ្រូ​ដោយ​ខ្លួនឯង ហើយជាពិសេសអ្នកគ្រូបច្ចេកទេស។ វិធីសាស្រ្តបណ្តុះបណ្តាល​ឈរ​នៅ​លើគ្រឹះបី៖ ទ្រឹស្តី បច្ចេកទស​អនុវត្ត និងការងារ ។ នៅតាមទីតាំង៥កន្លែងរបស់ខ្លួន​ និងតាម​សហ​គ្រាស​ជាដៃគូ CKN ជំរុញឲ្យសិស្សទៅធ្វើកម្មសិក្សា និងបំពេញការងារ នៅក្នុងការដ្ឋានផ្សេងៗ៖ អគ្គិសនីជនបទ ថែរក្សាគ្រឿងក្នុងសហគ្រាស វគ្គចល័តនៅខេត្ត ( ​ដើម្បី​ឲ្យ​យុវជននៅជនបទអាច​រៀនបច្ចេកទេស​បាន ) ។ CKN បានសហការជាមួយស្ថាប័នអន្តរជាតិធំៗ ដូចជា ធនាគារ​ពិភព​លោក UNESCO TOTAL OIF (Organisation Internationale Fracophonie) Fondem, Schneider Electric,… ជាប្រណិត CKN ខំធ្វើការផ្ទេរ បច្ចេកទេសពីក្រៅចូលមកកម្ពុជា តាមរយៈបេសសករពីក្រៅចូលមកបង្រៀននៅក្នុង មជ្ឈមណ្ឌល និងតាម​រយៈគ្រូមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលទៅធ្វើកម្មសិក្សានៅប្រទេសបារាំង​ ។

អាស័យដ្ឋាន :    មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលក្រមង៉ុយ (CKN) ­(*) # 58A ផ្លូវ 318 សង្កាត់​ទួលស្វាយព្រៃ២ ភ្នំពេញ

ទូរស័ព្ទៈ 023 987 843/ 011 748 983/ Email: ptm.ckn@online.com.kh/ Web: ckncambodia.org

មជឈមណ្ឌ ល្រកមង៉ុយ េ?យមនករឧបតថមភពីអងគករ UNESCO និង ILO សហករជមួយ្រកសួង
ករងរនិងបណុ្ត ះប?្ត លវជិ ជ ជីវៈ និង ្រកសួងអប់រ ំ យុវជននិងកី? នឹងេរៀបចំសិកខ ??មួយេនៃថង
២៥-២៧ តុ? ឆន ំ ២០១០ ខងមុខេនះ េនវទិ យ?ថ នជតិអប់រភំ ំនេពញ ។ ទនឹទមនឹងសិកខ ស?េនះ
មន?ំងពិព័រណ៌ បេចចកេទសមួយធំផងែដរ ។ សិកខ??េនះនឹង្របមូល្របជុំអនកតំ?ងជេ្រចើនែដល
មកពី្រកសួង ?ថ ប័នអន្តរជតិ ?ថ ប័នជតិអប់របំ ណុ្ត ះប?្ត ល អងគករេ្រករ?្ឋ ភិបល សមគមនិង
សហ្រគសឯកជន េដើមបីនឹងែចករែំលកព័ត៌មននិងបទពិេ?ធរបស់ខួ្លន កុនងទិសេធើ្វឲយមតិម?ជនចប់
?រមមណ៍ កន់ែតខ្ល ំងេឡើង ចំេពះករអប់របំ ណុ្ត ះប?្ត លបេចចកេទសវជិ ជ ជីវៈ េហើយនិងេដើមបីជំរុញឲយ
វសិ ័យេនះ មន្របជ្របិយប?្ត យុវជន ទក់ទញយុវជនមកចូលេរៀនបេចចកេទសកន់ែតេ្រចើនេឡើង ។
េ?យេហតុយុវជនជរមួ ?ក់ខួ្លនេនឆង យពីមុខរបរបេចចកេទស មតិទូេទេ្រចើនសនិន?្ឋ នថ ករបណុ្ត ះ
ប?្ត លអប់របំ េចចកេទសវជិ ជ ជីវៈេនកមុពជ ពុំទន់ផ?រមំជប់េហើយនិងពុំទន់េឆើ្លយបនខ្ល ំងក្ល េនេឡើយ
េទនឹងតំរវូ ករៃនទីផ?រករងរ ែដលនឹង្រតូវរកី ជចំបច់ េដើមបីអភិវវឌ?េសដ្ឋកិចចផលិត្រប?ំង្របែជង
សិកខ ??េនះ េផ្ត តេទេលើករបេងើកតឲយមនេវទិកមួយសំ?ប់ែចករែំលកសមិទិធលៗ្អ ព័ត៌មន
និងបទពិេ?ធេផ?ងៗ េដើមបីនឹងបេងើកតយន្តកមមបំផុស?រមមណ៍ យុវជននិង?ធរណជន ឲយឈនេទរក
ករបណុ្ត ះប?្ត ល ។ ជមួយគន េនះ នឹងមនករេរៀបចំ្រគឹះបងករលកខណៈស្រមបស្រមួល ឲយមនករចុះ
ស្រមុងគន ្របេសើរែថមេទៀត រ?ងអនកែដលពក់ព័នធចូលរមួ កុនងវសិ ័យេនះ ។
េយើងមនជំេនឿថ ករបណុ្ត ះប?្ត លបេចចកេទសវជិ ជ ជីវៈ នឹង?ចបំេពញកន់ែតចបស់េឡើងនូវ
នទីដ៏មនតំៃលរបស់ខួ្លនកុនងករអភិវឌ?ន៍កមុពជ េបើសិន?ជយុវជនេយើងកន់ែតេ្រចើនេឡើង បនទទួល
នូវករបណុ្ត ះប?្ត លល្រ្អ បសីុនឹង្របភពករងរ ទំងខងែផនកត្រមិះទូេទ ទំងខងជំនញ?មួយ រហូត
ដល់?ចទទួលករងរមួយបនកុនងសហ្រគស ឬមនលទធភព្របកប?ជីវកមមបនេ?យខួ្លនឯង ។
?សយ័ ?្ឋ ន : មជឈមណ្ឌ ល្រកមងុ៉យ (CKN) (*) # 58A ផូ្លវ 318 សងក ត់ទួល?្វ យៃ្រព២ ភំនេពញ
ទូរស័ពទៈ 023 987 843/ 011 748 983/ Email: ptm.ckn@online.com.kh/ Web: ckncambodia.org
(*) មជឈមណ្ឌ ល្រកមងុ៉យ(CKN) ចប់ដំេណើ រកររបស់ខួ្លនេនកមុពជ កុនងឆន ំ ១៩៩៨ ។ CKN ជ?ថ ប័នបណុ្ត ះ
ប?្ត លបេចកច េទសនិងវជិ ជ ជីវៈកំរតិ មធយមបេចកច េទស ែផនក អគិគសនី េអឡិច្រតនិច អូតូម៉ទិច ម៉សីុន្រតជក់ ែថទំ
សហ្រគស អគិសគ នីជនបទ ថមពលករេកើតេឡើងវញិ ។ល។
ជទស?នៈ មជឈមណ្ឌ ល្រកមងុ៉យេផ្ត តខ្ល ំងេទេលើករអភិវឌ?ន៍ចរតិ មនុស?និង?ម រតី ។ េយើងខំបណុ្ត ះប?្ត ល្រគូ
េហើយជពិេសសអនក្រគូបេចចកេទស ។ វធិ ី?្រសប្ត ណុ្ត ះប?្ត លឈរេនេលើ្រគឹះបី៖ ្រទឹសី ្ត បេចកច ទសអនុវត្ត
និងករងរ ។ េន?មទី?ំង៥កែន្លងរបស់ខួន្ល និង?មសហ្រគសជៃដគូ CKNជំរញុ ឲយសិស?េទេធើក្វ មមសិក?
និងបំេពញករងរ េនកុងន ករ?្ឋ នេផ?ងៗ៖ អគិសគ នីជនបទ ែថរក?េ្រគ?ងកុនងសហ្រគស វគគចល័តេនេខត ្ត ( េដើមបីឲយ
យុវជនេនជនបទ?ចេរៀនបេចចកេទសបន ) ។ CKN បនសហករជមួយ?ថ ប័នអន្តរជតិធំៗ ដូចជ ធនគរពិភព
េ?ក UNESCO TOTAL OIF (Organisation Internationale Francophonie) Fondem, Schneider Electric,…។
ជ្របណិ ត CKN ខំេធើក្វ រេផរទ បេចចកេទសពីេ្រកចូលមកកមុពជ ?មរយៈេបសកកមពម ីេ្រកចូលមកបេ្រង?នេនកុនង
មជឈមណ្ឌ ល និង?មរយៈ្រគូមជឈមណ្ឌ លេទេធើក្វ មមសិក?េនេ្រក្របេទស ។

Seeing Green

Rice farming in Cambodia

Rice farming in Cambodia / Image via Wikipedia

Agriculture contributed around a third of Cambodia’s national GDP in 2009, according to Council for the Development of Cambodia statistics. But to maximise the fruits of this sector, the Kingdom’s government is working on commercialising agriculture to increase national income and create more jobs for Cambodians.

San Vanty, undersecretary of state of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, said while Cambodia exports many agricultural products, rice is the highest priority. It has been acknowledged by many, including Prime Minister Hun Sen, as Cambodia’s “white gold.”

Before 2007, Cambodia exported unprocessed paddy rice to Thailand and Vietnam for processing, following which those countries exported the finished product overseas. According to San Vanty, this is all changing with the entry of processing machine into the Kingdom. Now Cambodia can export milled rice overseas. Recent deals discussed in June with the Philippines to export 200,000 tonnes of rice and orders worth nearly US$1 million with four European nations later this month are showing the rise of the sector’s commercialisation.

“Importing rice processing machines has been very beneficial because now we have both the rice and rice husks in Cambodia, so that besides gaining more income from exporting higher-quality processed rice, we can use the rice husk as fertiliser for the rice field,” he said.

He added that as a result of the rise in the processing industry Cambodians will get more jobs because of a need for machine operators.

San Vanty, however, also dismissed fears that the small and medium companies would suffer without the modern processing machine.

“It’s impossible that they will go bankrupt because these companies can continue selling their product in the local market, while the product from modern machines will be used for exporting to foreign countries, since these products meet the international standard.”

With the new machines allowing Cambodian rice to now meet international standards, the government is actively involved in finding places where Cambodian rice product can be exported.

“Business agreements between countries are very important,” said Kong Putheara, director of the Department of Trade Statistics and Information at the Ministry of Commerce. “We can negotiate with our partner countries to reduce the cost of the import tax imposed.”

Kong Putheara explained that though countries can export products to other countries without signing business agreements, they usually cannot negotiate the import tax. “If the tax price is high, then this added to the transportation costs, meaning we cannot compete with the local products.”

The other main benefit of developing agro-business is technical support. “If we aren’t able to produce a qualified product, we can ask country in the business agreement to send technical experts to help us in production,” said Kong Putheara.

As the government invests in agriculture, particularly in infrastructures such as watering and irrigation systems, reservoirs and dams, the knock on effect is felt in the rural banks, which have the confidence to distribute more loans to rural farmers helping development.

ACLEDA Bank Plc, with over 1,695 branches and offices throughout Cambodia, particularly targets rural industry and has seen a boom in agricultural loans.

“I note that the agricultural loans used to be less than 4 percent in the banking sector in 2007, and in 2009 it has increased to 6.7 percent,” said In Channy, president and CEO of ACLEDA.

He said that ACLEDA had seen its agriculture and agricultural-related loans surge from US$14.76 million in 2005 to US$92.17 million by June 2010.

“Look at 2009 figures, Garment export was down by 27 percent and the tourism sector was also down by 3 percent. However, the surplus of rice was more than 3 million tonnes – that’s a huge surplus,” In Channy said. “I think without the input from the growth of agriculture and its exports, the GDP of 2009 would be in the red already.”

As the agricultural sector is being developed, people working in recruitment agencies are optimistic about job opportunities in agro-business in the future.

“There will be more jobs for Cambodians,” said Vat Sreyvoat, a senior recruitment consultant at Great Alliances employment agency.

“More and more foreign investors will come to invest in Cambodia when the agricultural sector is being developed, and the job opportunities will come to Cambodians, as foreign companies will want to hire Cambodians,” she added.

Sandra D’Amico, managing director at HR Inc Cambodia, another recruitment agency, agreed that agricultural commercialisation will no doubt create numerous jobs across the country as investors look to localise foreign management as soon as possible to be competitive. She also predicted that the rise in agro-business would create opportunities for young Cambodians, those in the provinces, and help the growth of certain skills markets.

“Young entrepreneurs wanting to capture a part of the local market are likely to pop up and bring a new face to agro-business in Cambodia,” she said. “The need for standards, health and hygiene measures, good business management and planning, financing, as well as information dissemination from government and interested stakeholders, is going to be key to making the small- and medium-enterprise sector successful in their quest to share in this dynamic market.”

D’Amico added that the agricultural industry would bring jobs to provinces, as rise of agro-business would mean an emphasis on the countryside and that the young would not have to migrate to the cities.

by: Dara Saoyuth and Daniel Pordes

This article was published on Lift, Issue 28, July 21, 2010