I’ve spent around 2 hours walking along riverside this morning to take some photos and make it into a photo story for my photojournalism class. I ended up with shooting a “Grapefruit Sellers” after trying many different subjects. Four photos accompanied by some descriptions below is what I handed to my teacher and I would like to share this with all STUDENT BLOG visitors here. Cheers,
1. Portrait

Chan Sokhan, 62, comes from Kandal province to live in Phnom Penh an has worked as a grapefruits seller since 1983. Every 1 week to 2 weeks, there is a person taking grapefruits from Kampong Cham for her to sell. / By: Dara Saoyuth
2. Relationship

She doesn’t sell alone. Normally, her husband, Kham Sokhorn, stays with her from the start until time they go back home. They work around 12 hours a day starting approximately from 8am until 8pm. / By: Dara Saoyuth
3. Establishing shot

They have to pay 500 riels per day to police to be able to sell in front of Chaktomuk theatre on the pavement where they use as the place for resting, having lunch and dinner. / By: Dara Saoyuth
4. Person at work

When there is nothing to do, Chan Sokhan peel grapefruits skin ready to sell to customers. "Though I cannot get much from selling grapefruits, I want to live on my own rather than asking for money from my children." / By: Dara Saoyuth