Tomorrow will be the last day for the Cambodian Youth Arts Festival 2010, which is planed to celebrate for 5 days started from 07th August, 2010. I am happy to have spent around 3 hours tonight at Chaktumuk theater since there are lots of fantastic performances. The performances at the main stage this afternoon are : 1. Spoken Theater “The Tear of a Victimized Woman” by Fine Arts Association; 2. Folk Dance “White Dove Dance” by Mith Samlanh; 3. Pop Song by Soh Mach and Him Sivon; 4. Yike Opera “Nesai Snae Chab Cheap Kabas” by Khi Mom’s troupe. NOTE:Some parts of songs sang by Soh Mach and Him Sivon are uploaded for my dear visitors. I also include some parts from Yike Opera by Khi Mom’s troupe as well. Cheers,
To download song by Soh Mach click here
To download Yike Opera “Nesai Snae Chab Cheap Kabas”: Part one click here
Part two click here
Part three click here
by Dara Saoyuth
For the festival official website click here