News is very important for people — it keeps them updated with what’s happening or going to happen in their area and around the world. These days Cambodians can get their news on the internet, which provides both local and international...

CambodiaCircles sponsoring Barcamp Phnom Penh 2011
Founded earlier this year by initiative members living in foreign country with the support of Cambodian taskforce in term of...
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10th anniversary of the Department of Media and Communication (DMC)
The Department of Media and Communication (DMC) established in 2001. Today marks the 10th anniversary of the department, and we...
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My farewell dinner
I am a bit sleepy now, but I come to leave a message that I have a very good time tonight having dinner and hangout with some...
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My assignment today_27 Sept 2011
I am back again! Well, today assignment made me get up so early at 7:30am (maybe early for me only lolz!). I set my phone alarm...
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My assignment today_26 Sept 2011
It’s 10:30pm already here, but I just come back from the assignment. Not many cars on the road while the rain were dropping...
Read More[slideshow] It’s Tuesday afternoon that we don’t have class and want to relax after a big quiz at school in the morning, so luckily I was invited to join a party at the Cambodian Country Club (CCC), about 15 minutes away from Phnom...
Dear all Student Blog visitors, As mentioned in previous post, our trip to Mondulkiri 3 weeks earlier is not only a fun but also a study tour. We were assigned to do a project under Eco-tourism theme. My group has done a short video clip on...
Institute of Foreign Language (IFL) situated in the Royal University Of Phnom Penh campus. IFL organized a charity program today. This fund-raising ceremony started at 8 O’clock in the morning and end at 3 O’clock in the afternoon...
The eight-hour trip on the bus to Mondulkiri was the longest journey of my life. To reach the final destination of our class trip to one of Cambodia’s most beautiful places we passed through Kandal, Kampong Cham and Kratie provinces. It wasn’t...
[soundcloud width=”100{0a5c1eeb84ccc7c2d601964b33dd4fc73dc6a68f91616e3e53041e90b1033ab3}” height=”81″ params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=ff7700″ url=”;] Should authorities be...
For some of you that might interest in our project of Khmer Unicode Design, I’ve posted our project presentation slides below: [slideshow] Related Posts: 1. RAISING AWARENESS OF TYPOGRAPHY IN CAMBODIA () 2...
ការយល់ឃើញតាមរយៈការរចនាក្រាហ្វិក ភាសាជាមូលដ្ឋានសម្រាប់អត្តសញ្ញាណ វប្បធម៌ ដូច្នេះហើយវាសំខាន់ណាស់សម្រាប់មនុស្សក្នុងការរក្សានូវភាសារបស់ពួកគេឱ្យនៅរស់រាន្តមានជីវិត។ មុទ្ទវិទ្យា...
A Graphic Design Perspective Initiated by: Dara Saoyuth, Christine Schmutzler…….. Phnom Penh 2010 LANGUAGE is fundamental to CULTURAL IDENTITY. Therefore it is important that people keep their own language alive. TYPOGRAPHY shapes...
I joined a 3-day trip last week to the northeast part of Cambodia to visit Mondulkiri province. Around 90 students, teachers, and DMC staffs also participated in this study tour. They took with them plenty of digital cameras, video cameras...